Typical Engagement Structure

January 13, 2024
This post covers the structure of a typical engagement.

The following is a quick walkthrough of what a Pacaya Digital engagement looks like from an operational perspective.

Engagement Structure

Every engagement is different, but the high level structure of each follows a similar pattern:

  1. Scoping
  2. Prioritization
  3. Roadmap Development
  4. Delivery


Scoping is the initial step in every engagement and starts with scheduling a discovery call when you sign up.

On this call, we will talk through your business at a high level: what challenges you’re facing, what you know you want to work on vs what you might not be aware of, and what sort of resources are available to you, which will drive the engagement type.

The goal of this stage is to come up with a project scope - a firm set of deliverables that we can use in the next step: Prioritization.


Prioritization is fairly straightforward: we take the results of our Scoping conversation and assign predictive value to each deliverable. From there we build the engagement roadmap.

Roadmap Development

With our prioritized deliverables agreed upon, you are now able to view your Engagement Roadmap in your Client Dashboard.

You will see each deliverable along with its due date in a Kanban board, and we will primarily communicate about  items in the Client Dashboard.


Delivery depends on the nature of the deliverable. Some deliverables will be one-and-done (like setting up a domain for cold outbound) while others will be ongoing and iterative (like running ad campaigns).

For iterative deliverables, we will break down the larger deliverable into a set of more concrete tasks.

For instance, in order to run any advertising channel successfully, you need to run the scientific process across the channel over time. This is no small undertaking and requires multiple steps so we define our tasks accordingly:

  1. Ask question
  2. Create hypothesis
  3. Set up and run test
  4. Analyze and communicate results
  5. Rinse and repeat

For iterative deliverables, we will update the Client Dashboard each week with new tasks and use our weekly check-in meetings to discuss progress on the deliverable.


The above is the basic structure of every engagement. The devil, of course, is in the details but this should give you an idea of how we will work together and what you can expect operationally over the course of an engagement.

Pacaya Digital is a Growth consultancy that specializes in early-stage startups.